As session nears end, Schatz continues leading calls to pass long-term disaster relief for Maui survivors
On Wednesday, US Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawai‘i) reiterated calls for Congress to pass long-term disaster aid for survivors on Maui and nationwide before Congress is scheduled to go on recess at the end of next week.
“We’re running out of time. We have just over a week left before Congress goes home for the holidays which means we have just a few days to what we should have done a long time ago and pass long-term disaster relief. People have waited and waited and waited for help to arrive. And every day we don’t get this done this is another day survivors can’t get back to life as they knew it,” said Schatz. “Nobody is asking for charity. What they’re asking for is the kind of aid that’s helped restore so many communities across the country over the years.”
Schatz continued: “The Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery program – known as CDBG-DR – works. It’s supported millions of Americans struck by disaster over the past 30 years by giving them flexible and long-term assistance. And so, to not do this now – for people in Lahaina and all across the country – would be the unusual thing.”